The serious business of comedy
When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools”
William Shakespeare
“Dying is easy, comedy is hard.”
Those were supposedly the death bed words of a famous actor. He was speaking as a performer, of course, about such things as timing and delivery, but he also meant that comedy is hard work.
All the ingredients that go into a serious drama: conflict, tension, misunderstandings, thwarted desires; are present in comedy but even more so. Comedy characters are often deadly serious in pursuing their goals and expend real energy in achieving them.
Comedy is serious – deadly serious. Never, never try to be funny! The actors must be serious. Only the situation must be absurd”.
Mel Brooks, Playboy, 1974
The difference between what makes us laugh or cry is one of misalignment or a simple ‘moving of the goal-posts’. In a comedy, the stakes will still be high but they are either inappropriate or the characters themselves respond in an inappropriate way towards them.
It is this mismatch – in terms of dramatic tension – that gives comedy its cathartic quality.
The two masks
Comedy is when you expect something to break, but it only bends.” W.C. Fields
Farce is only tragedy speeded up …” S.J. Perelman
As Oscar Wilde once said: “There’s nothing quite so hilarious as unrelenting tragedy”. Meaning that unleavened tragedy has a neurasthenic effect on our emotions, it is ultimately deadening. To appreciate the true sorrow of the human condition, you need to also have some perspective on the ultimate futility and absurdity of our existence. Great writers like Chekov and Shakespeare knew this and it lies at the heart of their best work.
The traditional theatre iconography of two masks with smiling and frowning faces hides a secret. Consider this old joke about two Jewish mothers:
FIRST MOTHER: “I’m very worried about David, my youngest. The school psychologist says he might have an Oedipus complex.”
SECOND MOTHER: “Oedipus Schmoedipus – just as long as he’s a good boy and loves his mother.”
This easily the shame and disgrace that would cause a man to blind himself are purged from the story. In this version, the comedy version, all Oedipus needs is some counselling. Comedy judges us but it also forgives us – because we all have human failings.
The comic hero may be an innocent or a fool but he can equally be somebody who has come to terms with the essential absurdity of his plight. Comedy offers us the consolation that, in the end, nothing is really that serious – providing we can still see the funny side of it.
The Dialectic of Comedy
In the previous section, comedy was described as a kind of collision between two logical trains of thought. But it can also be seen as a way of putting forward two opposite, sometimes contradictory ideas, at the same time. A Marxist is familiar with the concept of ‘dialectic‘, the weighing of thesis and counter-thesis.
Unlike philosophy or politics, however, comedy does not call for a resolution of these opposites; it is at its most productive when these elements remain unresolved when there is a dynamic flux taking place.
David Clough © 2011