Class handouts:
Here you will find a selection of general handouts organised by category. Some of these will be included in the weekly program but may also be additional or supplementary.
A short but informative booklet in PDF format (10.9 meg) which includes tutorials on screenwriting and playwriting.
“Screenwriters” (The Movie 1986) Article on early Hollywood Screenwriters in the studio days
Interview with David Hare – ten page interview with Hare talking in depth about his work and the art of screenwriting
Sound Engineering for Film – fascinating profile of master engineer Skip Lievsay (Guardian article in PDF format)
Bad Writing by Toby Litt – a pointed diagnosis and warning against what makes writing self-indulgent. Read it and wince if you recognise your own (occasional) failings
“On Directing Film” – short extract from David Mamet’s lecture published in “A Whore’s Profession” (PDF)
“An Officer and A Gentleman” – analysis of the Three Act Structure (PDF)
“The Myth Of The Three Act Structure” by Alex Epstein – a welcome antidote to screenwriting theorists. (DOC)
“Treatments” by Lucy Sher – useful article from Scriptfactory Magazine (DOC)
On Status – extract from Keith Johnstone’s book “Impro” on status in interactions – essential read (DOC)
“On The Use of Stage and Acting Directions” – although this is chiefly about writing plays, there are some comments that apply to film writing too. (DOC)
“Dragon” (PDF) is an 18 page short film script written for the BBC Directors Course.
Student Work
Scripts written by students available for download