What is genre?
Dreams and nightmares are the emotional baselines for storytelling in the genre approach”.
Cooper and Dancyger, Alternative Scriptwriting
A genre film belongs to a particular group of films that are similar in their subject matter, thematic concerns, characterisations, plot formulas and visual settings. Genre then is a term loosely used to describe a method of classification. Most films have some connection with an existing genre. The main ingredients of a genre are:
Formula: a plot based around a familiar conflict. What happens in a strongly generic film is often predictable; we don’t so much get surprises as small doses of suspense as the plot works itself out.
Conventions: the way in which a formula plot is translated into specific visualised units of action within a particular genre (ie. a gunfight in a western, a love duet in a musical)
Iconography: a short-hand use of visual symbols or icons that instantly communicate meaning to an audience familiar with the genre (ie. crucifixes and pentagrams in horror films.)
Genre is a complex subject and the methods of categorisation have become highly refined as the film industry has developed. As well as instantly recognisable genres like the war film, the thriller and the love story, a host of other categories have developed:
A Sub-Genre describes a specific variation on a well known genre; for example, the Spaghetti Western; which has established its own set of sub-conventions
A Cross-Genre film combines two different genres to create an original combination. (“Star Trek” was once provisionally entitled “Wagon Train to the Stars”.)
Genre conventions may also be subverted for comic effect to create a spoof like “Blazing Saddles”, “Scream” and “Airport”.
Why is genre useful?
The existence and popularity of genres underlines an important principle of screenwriting: audience appeal.
What is an audience hoping for when they go to see a film? Something familiar, a point of reference with their own lives that connects them to the action, combined with something unfamiliar; a unique or surprising insight on their world. It is the balance between these two that makes a successful film; not just in terms of novelty or entertainment value but also power and truthfulness.
I asked myself — why is the first work of a writer or a screenwriter, or of a playwright almost always a success? Because he still belongs to an audience. The more he goes away from the audience, the more he loses contact, and what I tried to do my whole life long was I tried not to lose contact with the audience.”
Fritz Lang
Accept that your film idea, however original, belongs to a genre or a sub-genre of some kind and exploit the fact if you can. The expectations that an audience will bring to your film should be a resource rather than a handicap.
Strategies for using genre
Shakespeare is considered a genius capable of the most profound contemplation of the human condition but he took care also to be a populist writer. Hamlet is a murder mystery, Othello a revenge story, Macbeth and Titus Andronicus both have strong scenes of horror and violence. Shakespeare wrote rom-coms, farces and historical pot-boilers.
Take another look at that great idea you have for an epic drama about birdwatchers or that love story you’re planning to write about two Samaritans volunteers who are agoraphobics.
Is there a way of turning it into a detective thriller? A science fiction fantasy perhaps? Or what would happen if you switched the setting to the old west, or made it happen a hundred years ago?
A lot of genre films are serious films in disguise.
They may have some quite deep and meaningful things to say – like Shakespeare’s Hamlet – but the writer has been canny enough to parcel them up in a story with the recognisable attributes of a genre that the audience likes.
More to the point, by doing so, the writer has made the job of telling his or her story much easier for themselves.
Genre films are not only more fun to write, they are also a hell of a lot easier to sell!
Keep It Simple, Stupid
David Mamet’s acronym K.I.S.S. should be taken literally here. If your story idea is in any way ethereal in its themes; if it’s introspective and involves lost love or existential angst or personal growth; then a good rule of thumb is to build your story on top of a strong source of conflict.
A lot of the stuff that we writers want to write about comes from our personal history, and it would be strange if it didn’t. The creative urge is very much tied up in our emotions, the things that have happened to us which were of significance and maybe changed us as individuals. It’s important to remember though that these may not be intrinsically interesting in themselves or suitable for dramatisation in their raw form.
Often it’s better to find a distance, to find a vehicle or a form for all this raw emotion that’s been to some extent ‘stress tested’ by popular culture. This is where Genre is not only your friend – it makes basic common sense.
Choose a premise that is simple, even brutally simple, and instantly comprehensible to even the stupidest member of your audience: a murder, a court case, a kidnapping, a robbery – anything that generates conflict that can be resolved by a concrete outcome that will satisfy the audience’s itch for resolution.
Use this core conflict as a foundation for your fine ideas and it will give you a wonderful sense of security. Shakespeare’s plays deal with complex philosophical and moral dilemmas but they often have a very simple premise at their heart:
Should a son avenge the murder of his father?
What is the price for killing a king?
Is a faithful wife not as faithful as she seems?
Fight Club 1999 is a good example; a film that starts off as a ‘therapy story’ but goes on to be about the most basic and visceral form of conflict there is.
Outside the box
Genre has almost destroyed cinema. The audience is bored. It can predict the exhausted UCLA film-school formulae – acts, arcs and personal journeys – from the moment that they start cranking. It’s angry and insulted by being offered so much Jung-for-Beginners, courtesy of Joseph Campbell. All great work is now outside genre”
David Hare
Being aware of a Genre doesn’t mean that you have to stick to its conventions; on the contrary, it can enable you to get away from them. Often that is necessary to find your own voice – or a different way of telling a story.
Writing against a Genre can give you the opportunity to use these conventions as a strategic method of leverage to get an audience to accept a fresh idea. This is well explained in Cooper & Dancyger’s great book on alternative approaches to scriptwriting.
In Rush and Dancyger’s Alternative Scriptwriting 2006 there is a valuable chapter on writing against genres.
Genre and the zeitgeist
Because Genre is something that is constantly adapting and responding to changes in society and culture, it can reflect the preoccupations, fears and obsessions of the public imagination. Genres come in, and go out, of fashion according to shifts in consciousness, to world events, and other factors that are even harder to pin down.
It is useful to be aware of these trends. Genres that are currently in vogue will always be sexier and more saleable in the marketplace.
At the time of writing this, for example, there has been a spate of American tv series based on fairy stories (Grimm, Once Upon A Time, Lost Girl). Why has this particular genre captured the public’s imagination at this time? It’s an interesting question and by no means coincidental.
Again, take a look at your project, and ask if there is some way that you can forge a connection of this type without distorting the original idea. Often genre is one way of achieving this.
© David Clough 1995
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 1997
Joss Whedon’s declared ambition when he wrote this tv series was to deliberately subvert the conventions of the vampire genre. His heroine, for example, is the pretty blonde who is usually the first to become a victim. In this opening sequence of the first episode in the series, we have a great example of Whedon exploiting the audience expectations. It sets the tone for most of what follows.
Buffy was hugely successful not only because of its ingredients (martial arts, teen-angst and the supernatural) but because it deconstructed the genre affectionately and with a great sense of humour; never patronising its audience.
(Expand clip to full size by clicking on the icon bottom right)
The Black and Blue Lamp 1988
This original tv play by Arthur Ellis uses two contrasting examples of the same genre, a police drama, for dramatic effect. The contrast between monochrome (black and white) and colour is cleverly employed here as an allegorical device many years before the idea recurred in films like Pleasantville.
It begins by picking up from the end of a classic British film The Blue Lamp (1950), starring Dirk Bogarde, which first featured the archetypal ‘British Bobby” character PC Dixon, played by Jack Warner, who was later to have his own tv series: Dixon of Dock Green. In the film, Dirk Bogarde shoots PC Dixon dead but is later captured by the Police. (The Black and Blue Lamp begins as The Blue Lamp ends, with Bogarde’s character’s arrest).

The same again … but different
In this recent interview, Michael Rosen, the current British Poet Laureate for Children, talks about the need children have to hear the same story read to them repeatedly; and, in the process, nails many of the traits that attract adults to a genre.
It may be that childish pleasure we took in tracing a familiar storyline through to its not-unexpected ending is something that we never quite lose.
Interviewer: Why do kids like to hear the same book again and again (and again!)?
ROSEN: I think it’s about two things: mastery and danger. We forget that books are a complex system of words. signs and images. The system needs to be learned to extract pleasure from it. Children very quickly get to the point where books are pleasurable if they’re full of interest and drama and emotion and fun.
However, that doesn’t mean that they ‘get’ the whole system straightaway. There are hundreds of different bits of the process that they are putting together: the flow, the sequencing, the fact that it’s the same every time.
Alongside this, most stories involve some kind of risk, challenge, test or danger. Even the most simple of stories. So, the child will want to know whether he or she, in the company of the leading character in the story, will get through it.
The first time it’s an absolute mystery whether the character will get through. The second time it’s less of a mystery but a great comfort that the character does it again. Each time, that drama is played out in a slightly different way: “I know that the mouse will trick the Gruffalo … but what if it fails this time?” or “I love it when the mouse tricks the Gruffalo because I’m scared of the Gruffalo and I wish I could be as clever as the mouse” – and so on.
Then, when the child knows and learns the story, he or she has in a way, mastered the Gruffalo! That is incredibly satisfying for a child
For examples of genre look at the following pages on this site:
Film Cliches
Case study: Vampire film genre
Case study: Film Noir Genre
Case Study: Lovers, Winners, Losers