General news­paper and magazine articles on film:

1. “The Biopic is Back“(Guardian 1997) Article about the draw­backs of biopics. (PDF)

2. “The Last Seduc­tion”” (Timeout 1984) Review of the neo-noir film that raises ques­tions about its doubtful premise.(PDF)

3. “The Origins of Film Noir” (Guardian 2009) Article by Matthew Sweet on the genre. (PDF)

4. “Good book, great film ” (Guardian 2011) Article by Jonathan Coe on the prob­lems of adapting books for film. (PDF)



Articles and inter­views with writers and film-makers:

1. “That’s all, folks” (Guardian 2003) John Boorman on the ster­ility of movie block­busters (PDF)

2. “Golden days out” (Guardian 2003) Alan Bennett remin­isces about tv drama’s golden age (PDF)

3. His Bril­liant Career” (Guardian 2005) Nich­olas Roeg in a tran­scripted interview.(PDF)

4. “Screen­writers” (The Movie 1986) Article on early Holly­wood Screenwriters



Articles on film theory

1. Mise-en-scene by Robert Kolker (URL)

2.The Pree­mptive Image” by Bert Cardullo, from “In Search of Cinema”. A stim­u­lating article on the differ­ences between theatre and cinema. (PDF)

3. The Death of Acting” by Tony Bill, from “Movie Speak”. On the way in which digital tech­no­logy has changed film-making.(PDF)

Articles On Writing and scriptwriting

1. “10 Rules For Writers” (Wash­ington Post) General article on writing by Janet Fitch (PDF)


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