Genre Case Studies: examples of Film Noir genre
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Studies: examples of the Vampire Film
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Studies: films about the Holocaust
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: representation of young men on film
Read the rest of this entry »Genre case studies: films on the theme of love
Read the rest of this entry »Comedy writing: examples of comedy writing on film
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: television comedy
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: television drama
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: films about race and identity
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: Queer Cinema - films about gay culture and identity
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: the British Gangster sub-genre
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Study: films about children and childhood
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Studies: examples of war films
Read the rest of this entry »Genre Case Studies: western film case studies
Read the rest of this entry »Script to Screen: a comic seduction scene with finesse
Read the rest of this entry »Character Case Studies: examples of characters under pressure
Read the rest of this entry »Structure Case Study: an example of the three act structure with breakdown
Read the rest of this entry »Character Case Study: a sex change comedy - script and screen
Read the rest of this entry »Case study: anti-heroes
Read the rest of this entry »Script to screen: a cult British gangster film
Read the rest of this entry »Character Case Study: portrait of an anti-hero
Read the rest of this entry »Script to Screen: a mismatched couple in comic reversals
Read the rest of this entry »Script to Screen: archetypes subverted by Terry Gilliam in a modern fable
Read the rest of this entry »Script to Screen: ritual and games in a scene
Read the rest of this entry »Character case study: a weak character succumbs to pressure in Bergman's moral war film
Read the rest of this entry »Character case study: the crucial choice
Read the rest of this entry »Dramaturgy: the use of bathos in dramatic writing
Read the rest of this entry »World of The Story Case Study: a 'journey' film with large themes
Read the rest of this entry »World of The Story Case Study: a South African film about a young entrepreneur
Read the rest of this entry »Case studies in dialogue: illustrative examples of filmed dialogue
Read the rest of this entry »